구글 크롬 확장 기능 - Allow Right Click

인터넷 2010. 7. 18. 07:23 Posted by 곽성호(자유)

Allow Right Click 작성자: regis.decamps

 (34) - 사용자 4,696명 - 주간 설치 수: 522회

Re-enable the possibility to use the context menu on sites that overrides it.

This extension re-enables the context menu on images.

Indeed, many sites prohibit the right-click on images, pretending to protect their content. I think it is illegitimate.

Unfortunately, Google Chrome does not have advanced options for what javascript is allowed to do (on the contrary of Konqueror, Opera or firefox). This extension provides a workaround, by resetting the oncontextmenu to its default behaviour on every images of the page.